SWMO History
Version One
established in 2008, camp was held at “His children's camp” in southwest missouri through 2010. jake holt wanted to do something for local runners to learn about running, experience team bonding opportunities, and connect with god. thus began swmo running camp.
Version Two
2011-2013 camp was held at sagmount baptist camp. This facility really helped us grow and improve our camp experience. It allowed us to try out new games, incorporate a more diverse free-time experience for campers, and more running routes.
Version Three
A field with a white barn never looked so beautiful. THis location featured a great section of woods for campers to shelter from storms and provide shade on hot, sunny days. THe campus had a frisbee golf course, soccer goal, half court basketball, and an insanely large pole tent for games like ping pong, washers, and much more! it’s hard to explain, simply put: this venue just felt like home.
Version Four
frank childress scout reservation. this is an exciting leap of faith for swmo running camp but we’ve been in the position before. each change in location brings new opportunities and adds to our culture with an energy that feels like the year we started.